Who Am I

About Me

Cindy first became interested in professional storytelling when she attended her first Storytellers of Canada-Conteurs du Canada conference in Fredericton, New Brunswick in 2005. There she heard the types of stories she was used to reading in books such as folktales and fairytales. She really didn’t think she fit in to the storytelling world because those kinds of stories weren’t what she grew up hearing. She grew up listening to community and family stories while sitting around her grandparents kitchen listening to the adults talk and tell. These were stories of people she knew and everyday life with a few songs and old songs or ballads thrown in. Eventually she came to appreciate all types of stories and told her first fairytale to preschoolers, The Little Red Hen, and they all listened!

Since that time, Cindy has been telling stories of all kinds to anyone who will listen.

”A storyteller is telling a story. The audience is drawn in by the words and is soon enveloped in the tale. As the teller weaves the story, the listeners are caught in the web of their own imagination, while at the same time, sharing the thread of the story. The story ends, there is a hush as the final strands of the story fade into the air. But the story is not gone, it lingers with new life in the minds of the listeners, waiting for another time when it can weave its magic through another storyteller.

Cindy Campbell-Stone
Photo by Cindy Campbell-Stone