Ballads and Folklore

 A long time member of the Helen Creighton Folklore Society, Cindy has a special interest in the works of folklorist, Dr Creighton and offers workshops and performances on folklore, folktales, folksongs and ballads in the Creighton collection and beyond.

Cindy loves to sing songs and ballads that tell stories and often combines songs with stories or vice versa. She gives workshops to encourage others to do the same.

She has offered performances and workshops to choirs looking to learn about folksongs, ballads, broadsides, chanteys and perhaps learn a song or two.

Cindy’s sense of fun and encouragement in her workshops and performances, aim to provide delightful learning and listening experiences to audiences of all ages.

Cindy is an expert on the works of one of Helen Creighton’s prolific informants, singer, Catherine Gallagher also known as Mrs Edward Gallagher. She offers performances and workshops on the repertoire and life of Catherine.

“As a singer, she sometimes incorporates song in her storytelling: I’ve watched as the simple power of her voice elevates the room.”

~ Janice Cruddas, Director, MITE Theatre, Dartmouth, NS

Photo: Cindy as Catherine Gallagher

“Cindy has become the recognized authority on one of the most important tradition bearers from Dr. Creighton’s collection.  Catherine Gallagher’s life and her contribution to the repertoire of Helen’s song catalogue is, in itself, recognized internationally and Cindy’s work interviewing family members and collecting historical, biographical and personal information about this remarkable singer and song-saver is vast and encompassing.”

~ Clary Croft, Folklorist, Author, Performer, Halifax, NS